
PROFILE: Jason Rajsic (PhD 4)

Where are you from and how did you end up in U of T Psychology?
Ontario; I met my supervisor at a conference and we agreed that I would be a great fit for the lab!

Whose lab are you in and what are you studying?
Jay Pratt, studying visual attention and memory.

What do you currently want to know more about? Or what is a skill you would like to develop?
Data collection via the internet.

Last non-non-fiction book you read?
Can’t remember!

If not this, what would you be doing with your life?
Wondering what to do with my life.

Advice for potential graduate students?
Get involved in a lab in any way you can. Knowing whether you enjoy the day-to-day research work is very important.

Want to get in touch with Jason? He can be reached at: jason.rajsic <at>

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