
PROFILE: Johnny Dubois (MA)

Where are you from and how did you end up in U of T Psychology?
I am from Brandon, Manitoba, where I studied at Brandon University.

I’m not sure how I ended up at U of T myself! During my undergrad I worked at a crisis unit, where I taught and did research. Upon graduating I worked for a year at Pine River Institute, a residential treatment center for youth with addiction. During the summer I also worked for Statistics Canada as a crew leader for the 2016 census.

Whose lab are you in and what are you studying?
I am in Amy Finn’s lab. At present I am studying the development of implicit memory. I also have a side interest in the interaction of mindfulness and memory.

What do you currently want to know more about? Or what is a skill you would like to develop?
I would really like to learn more about imaging measures, and could definitely develop my coding (R, Python) skills.

Last non-non-fiction book you read?
I don’t think I’ve read a fictional book in a long time…

If not this, what would you be doing with your life?
I have no clue. Puppy farmer?

Advice for potential graduate students?
Use your morning hours well. Get involved in stuff.

Want to get in touch with Johnny? He can be reached at: m.dubois <at>

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