
PROFILE: Nathaniel Brown (PhD 3)

Where are you from and how did you end up in U of T Psychology?
I’m from Lawrenceville, New Jersey. This program was the only one I applied for in Canada, and I’m glad that I chose it as my home for 5 years. It has taken me into areas of research I never expected to go into, and I still get excited at the possibilities of where my research experiences here could take me in the future. I swear that no one has paid me to say that.

Whose lab are you in and what are you studying?
I’m in Michael Inzlicht’s lab at UTSC. I use EEG, EMG, behavioral measures, and experience sampling to study how emotions facilitate and influence cognitive control and self-regulation. Members of my laboratory use a “social neuroscience” approach, combining techniques and theory from both social psychology and cognitive neuroscience to understand how people and their brains control their behavior and make decisions.

What do you currently want to know more about? Or what is a skill you would like to develop?
Right now I really want to learn more about how to use computational modeling and Bayesian cognitive models. My experience with both of these techniques right now is pretty rudimentary. The amount that I do understand, however, is enough to get me excited about their future use in psychology.

Last non-non-fiction book you read?
Ted Chiang’s Stories of Your Life and Others. One of his stories in this collection was recently turned into the movie Arrival. Both his stories and the movie are great!

If not this, what would you be doing with your life?
I would be doing the same thing as my twin brother — playing music in New York City.

Advice for potential graduate students?
Don’t be afraid to ask for help!

Want to get in touch with Nathaniel? He can be reached at: nat.brown <at>


PROFILE: Amanda Easson, (PhD 2)

Where are you from and how did you end up in U of T Psychology?
I grew up in Markham, Ontario, and completed Bachelor of Health Sciences at McMaster University, where I discovered my love for cognitive neuroscience and research in general. I was drawn to U of T because of its high research calibre and opportunities to study autism using neuroimaging.

Whose lab are you in and what are you studying?
I am in Dr. Randy McIntosh’s lab. I study intrinsic brain dynamics in individuals with autism spectrum disorder using structural and functional neuroimaging and computational modeling.

What do you currently want to know more about? Or what is a skill you would like to develop?
I am always looking to improve my programming skills, especially in Python, MATLAB, and R.

Last non-non-fiction book you read?
Self Comes to Mind: Constructing the Conscious Brain, by Antonio Damasio.

If not this, what would you be doing with your life?
Good question - I have no idea 🙂 .

Advice for potential graduate students?
Stay positive and don’t be afraid to ask for help!

Want to get in touch with Amanda? She can be reached at: amanda.easson <at>


PROFILE: Sue Song (MA 1)

Where are you from and how did you end up in U of T Psychology?
I am from Korea but I did my undergraduate degree at UBC.

Whose lab are you in and what are you studying?
Dr. Penelope Lockwood‘s lab; I am studying interpersonal relationships.

What do you currently want to know more about? Or what is a skill you would like to develop?
I want to learn more about how people relate to each other and what may contribute compatibility between dyads
Skill set I want to develop: Stats, coding.

Last non-non-fiction book you read?
The Locust Effect: Why the End of Poverty Requires the End of Violence (Gary Haugen and Victor Boutros).

If not this, what would you be doing with your life?
A competitive swimmer.

Advice for potential graduate students?
Strive to be excellent not perfect..

Want to get in touch with Sue? She can be reached at: <at>